I don’t get it, whenever I talk or enter a room even people down the isle will stop and stare at me. Example of the day, I was buying skincare products and they were locked behind those doors where you need staff to open it for you. I saw a staff lady walking past me and at the same time a random family of 4 were there. I started asking if the staff lady could open the locked door for me and suddenly the family all stopped talking, stopped walking, and kept staring at me even after it was clear I wasn’t talking to them.

This has been happening a lot lately and I’m uncomfortable with it every time. I’m not sure if I sound weird? I’m (18f) if that builds any description. I always wonder why they’re staring at me instead of slightly glancing and going back to what they’re doing like I would’ve.

  1. You could be very pretty? I can’t lie I thought about this and checked your account post and comment history. I think it could be down to you being good looking

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