What’s your opinion on sex at work?

  1. I don’t care how how horny you are, finish my open heart operation first you prick.

  2. Happened to a mate, He slept with one of his patients, Got caught. Lost his job and his licence.

    Shame, He was a great Vet.

  3. It’s not my place to tell people what or who they can or can’t do on their break/lunch.

  4. I’m unable to believe that any of my coworkers had ever had sex.

    And one of them has two children.

  5. If my other coworkers are having sex I really don’t care as long as it’s legal and consensual. But I personally will stay away fron that

  6. Don’t dip your pen in company ink, don’t shit where you eat, etc. Seriously, a lot can go sideways and you can jeapordize your career for some pootang, especially if there is a falling out down the line and it becomes a he-said/she-said. If there’s a piece there that you have a chance with you will have that chance outside of work hours.

  7. Honestly if I saw someone clapping cheeks at work I’d try and pretend I didn’t see it, and then just subtlety let one of them know. Just being a bro about it if possible. They’ll either learn not to do it again, not to get caught or they’ll get caught. That’s up to them.

  8. Yeah, does this mean “at work “ like as in on the physical premises? Or does this mean dating people from “work”

    Either way, I make too much money to risk fucking around at work after #metoo and the HR knee jerk reactions that followed.

    So no more sex at work.

  9. Well if that’s your job then your being paid to be there so on your knees. Otherwise make my damm cheese burger and keep your pants on

  10. My girl has outright said that if we worked at the same place she’d be putting in ridiculous tickets with intentional sabotage just to get me into her office alone. It’s an amazing fantasy but don’t see it being sustainable as we’d never get anything done.

  11. I banged my manager in the walk in cooler way back when I worked as a server. Not something I’d necessarily recommend, although it turned out well.

  12. Well I’ve seen someone get caught and fired for it and that’s pretty much when I realized I want ever gonna risk it

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