So I started one IT course that lasts 3 weeks and we have classes 3 times a week. We are also divided in 10 teams and we collect some coins during classes. Yesterday it was opening day and today was first class.

I dont know if this is creepy but when I came to the building we were supposed to be at I noticed her immedietly almost. We were all waiting outside, most kids signed up with their friends so they had people they already knew. I was alone. So I was standing on the side, waiting. She was too, thats probably why she was so noticeable to me. I was thinking about approaching her but I was(am) shy.

Now im not saying I want to approach her in a romantic way, just in general. It would be nice to make a friend there (I dont really have any) and I thought it’d be easier to talk with someone who also seems introverted. I find groups of people intimidating and its kinda a thing to bond over. I dont know how to do it. Like we’re sitting, or waiting in the hall for it to start and I just come up to her and say..what?

Yeah, I have VERY poor social skills so idk.

1 comment
  1. You can ask her how she likes her team, how well they are doing–for starters, even if you’re not all that curious. It will break the ice. Then, ask her what kind of music she listens to, whether she plays ______ (insert your favorite game title(s)), what she plans to do after school.

    Make eye contact most of the time. Pay attention to what she says and determine whether she seems like the type of person you are interested in. If she’s aloof or terse, just let it go and pass. If she seems friendly and energetic, maybe asking you questions too, that’s a good sign.

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