My girlfriend (bisexual F 23) and I (straight M 23) are interested in having a threesome with another woman. My girlfriend and I have talked about it for a long time with the explicit understanding that it’s a down-the-road thing. Neither of us are 100% ready to do it at the moment but think it would be a really fun experience to have one day. For context, we’ve been together about a year and a half.

One of the things we talk a lot about is whether we’d want to do it with an acquaintance we already know or meet a stranger online. We’ve definitely ruled out doing it with someone who’s part of our routine life but are open to doing it with someone from our hometowns or the college we both graduated from. Finding a stranger to have a threesome with is straightforward – there are apps specifically for it. My question is if we decided to go with an acquaintance, how would you all recommend proposing it? Some dilemmas we have: Should we try and catch up first or get to the point? Should we do it over text or hang out and ask? While we would obviously prefer a an enthusiastic yes, we want to treat the person with respect and make it easy for someone to tell us they’re not interested.

All advice on this question is appreciated but please keep your responses to the question(s) I asked. We aren’t looking for if we should have a threesome or if we should do it with someone we know; we’re looking for tools and suggestions for IF we decide to do both of those things. Thank you!

1 comment
  1. In a similar situation!

    Best case is probably to meet up with them and catch up before proposing the idea. Maybe even kind of leave a trail of hints.. It could give you a good sense of how they may respond before you even ask.

    Good luckk ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

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