So I was seeing this girl last year and things were going great, then out of the blue she said she wasn’t ready for a relationship etc. But then she left me in limbo for weeks, 6 weeks down the line I find out she’s then got into a relationship with her ex before me. A couple months passed by and she moves 200+ miles away to be with him. I’ve heard nothing from her for nearly 6 months, up until last week where she tells me they’re all but over and she’s going to leave him because her mental health is too much for him to handle. Then for a week complete radio silence, she pops up to me last night and says he’s broke up with her and asks me if I can go and get her at the weekend and bring her home. I promised her that if she broke with him and there was no way of getting home I’ll go to get her so she isn’t stranded 200+ miles away with nowhere to go. So I said I would. Since the first message last week my head has been all over the place and even more so now, she apologised for all the pain she caused me, but I ultimately don’t know how to feel, and she couldn’t have picked a worse time because I was all but over her, then with this everything kind of came flooding back leaving me confused. I know that I allowed myself to be an option for her by promising her I’d go and get her, but due to the confusion on what to think and/or feel and I’ve got so much stuff running through my head I don’t know what the hell to say to her, and once I drop her off at her parents what do I do from there?

1 comment
  1. I would buy her a bus or train ticket instead so she can get back home safe without you having to see her. I think you were unfortunately just a “filler” instead of someone she was treating seriously and you deserve better than that

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