Me (27F) and partner (26M) have been dating almost 5 years. We are both very similar in that we are both very easy-going and not very open about feelings or talking about ourselves. Our relationship has been pretty smooth sailing, only a couple major arguments and we have bought a house together. Naturally next step would be marriage which I do want. However as we are both not very emotional people we have never really talked about marriage, kids, what we want deep conservations etc. I feel like normally in a relationship one person is more inclined to start these conversations, but as we are both like that, they never come up! When I have conversations with friends who are very open I have absolutely no issues discussing bigger topics like these, but with him I find it so hard.

He always means well but just is so bad at expressing himself with words, which I feel is my love language. The few times I have brought up bigger issues, he doesn’t say a lot because he doesn’t know what to say, and that in return has stopped me from trying.
I’m not sure what to do, am I with the wrong person or should I be trying harder to start these open conversations. Our sex life is also not the most exhilarating, and I find myself never wanting sex and it has become more of a chore.
Everything else about our relationship is great.

TD;LR Partner struggles to communicate feelings with words, lack of intimacy

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