Long story short, this person crossed a boundary and I feel hurt that he did when I told him not to talk about that topic anymore (mental health & relationship related). I basically wanted a friend to listen and maybe give me some advice and so I did that with him and he gave me an advice I was not willing to do because I thought it was a bad idea. However he sort of pressured me to do it and asking me often if I was gonna do it because he felt like his advice was “the right thing”

But anyway, a week after I told him to just let that topic go and not talk about it anymore he sent me a long message explaining that if I don’t address the situation it will jeopardize our work and the way I work with people. For some context, we are working together on different projects at school. He mainly focused on his emotions and how he wanted his project to work and to not be jeopardized by me and my problem. At first I did feel compassion and I told him not to worry but then I thought about it and I thought that it was very unfair that he was doing this. I’m not sure why but it felt like a threat. He said that if his project didn’t work out he would get “very depressed, no exaggeration.”

I was vulnerable with him and he sort of made this his problem in an egoistic way. And I felt like my trust between him and me was broken. It sort of felt like he was just trying to protect himself and I just don’t understand why he would think this would jeopardize his project and me working with him to help him on his project because it has nothing to do with it. It’s my personal problem and I’m the one that decides how to deal with it even if I do get advice.

And i’ll be honest, I don’t think I want to be friends with this person anymore. I also kinda always felt like he is a negative person and I really don’t want that in my life right now. And I’m just realizing that after this happened.

And so I would appreciate getting opinions or advice on this. I’m still willing to work with him and help him on his project and stay professional and positive but I feel like it would be better to not be friends anymore and I’m not sure how to let him know about that.

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