i’ve just graduated from university in the north of the country. it was 3 of the bet years, i lived with a bunch of girls who came from all across the country. i’m someone who’s terrible on their phone, i’ve never been one of those people who’s always texting at least three people at a time or has a full list of snapchat best friends. i just don’t communicate like that.

but now that i’ve graduated and moved back home i feel obliged to. one of my housemates gave us this whole spiel about how we’ll see who really makes the effort to stay in touch etc etc. so i’ve been trying to message people but now i remember why i hate texting.

the first person i messaged was girl 1 who made the spiel. she had got back from holiday a couple of days ago so i messaged her asking how it was. she didn’t respond to me for 16 hours. i was initially going to facetime her because she always talks about how much she loves a facetime but got too nervous so didn’t.

now that i’m back home, which basically feels like a new city, i’m worried about making friends again. a lot of the people i used to be friends with from school i haven’t spoken to in years. and i had a couple of really good friends from home but i recently found out they all went and visited one of them at uni without telling me, so i’m a little torn on how to feel. i also sent a snapchat to one of the girls because i saw something that reminded me of her and she left me on read! i don’t understand what i’m doing wrong? this is literally why i never message people because i just get ignored.

so, sorry for this rant but i just want some advice on first of all how to communicate with people without being ignored and mainly how to make new friends in my home city. my home city being London, so some may say it can’t be too hard?

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