what disturbed you this past week?

  1. How things have not significantly got better for me and those around me.

    I’ve also been greatly disturbed by the story of erickson mendez. He deserved better but his parents and the justice system fucked him up.

  2. The difference between how shootings were treated, reported nationally, humanely responded to, and trauma specialists provided to the affluent suburb, as opposed to kids in the bigger city’s trauma from shootings being totally fucking ignored

  3. TWO freaking mass shootings on a day that is supposed to have significant meaning to my country. Hearing interviews with witnesses. Freaking heartbreaking. Terrifying. My country’s priorities are so fucked up. I really hate that my daughter has had to grow up with this being a common occurrence, I really hate the country she’ll inherit. Hearing what she & her friends talk about does help, it gives me hope, knowing they are also disgusted & want to motivate change.

  4. That things get worse, and worse, and worse for people.

    Nothing changes. Nothing.

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