Could be realistic or unrealistic. Mine would probably be owning a home near the beach where I would host family holiday events and surf with my kids, however old they are. Also a beautiful, loving wife who cooks like my grandmother. Or maybe we could all take the catamaran out for a few hours and enjoy the water.

  1. Probably a lot of fishing in weather that is warm enough, but not too hot!

    Also, a number of hobbies, tinkering with stuff

  2. A big house, couple of cars, a gaming room , a pool, lots of helpers, an open relationship wife and a dan bilzerian life.

  3. I own my place, live 3 blocks from the beach in So. Cal, all my bills are paid and I can do whatever I want all day every day. I don’t have a big nest egg to finance travel or adventures but I have no interest in travel or adventures anyway. I had completed my bucket list before I ever got here.

    So my idea of the perfect retirement is leisure time. I sleep when I want, eat what and when I want and no one bothers me. I don’t have to do shit. After spending 30 years working 80+ hours per week, I’m in heaven.

  4. I don’t really think I’d want a pull fledged “retirement”. I know way too many people and family who died within 2 years of retiring. I also don’t think I’d enjoy it.

    I think my ideal lifestyle for that age would be to have enough savings built up that I wouldn’t really have to worry about bills.. and then work a calm part time job where I’d still have time to enjoy my hobbies.

  5. Living in a retirement home that takes care of the day to day silliness. So, I’m free to play video games, smoke pot, and eat garbage until I keel over and die.

  6. Early and wealthy. My wife and I spend lots of time with our kids, their families, our own respective families, lots of time traveling, and very little time worrying. We’re saving and investing aggressively right now to hopefully get there. Currently pacing for an early-to-mid 50s retirement, but we ramp up every year, so we’ll see.

  7. Having enough money and stamina to continue traveling the world. A few weeks in Italy, a month of mountain climbing in the Rockies, checking out historical sites in India for a cheeky two weeks, etc.

  8. Basically what I do now when I don’t work, except more of it because I wouldn’t be working

  9. A nice place in the wilderness of Maine, wife who is an awesome cook, my own cannabis cultivation, a fishing boat, snowmobile, outdoor sporting equipment for year round…Oh yeah, that’s my life, I retired at age 50!

  10. Cabin on the lake with a kayak on the beach; no cell reception. Lots of nearby mountainbike trails. Cabinet stocked with high end Scotch. Bitching sound system with collection of jazz classics on vinyl.

  11. A cabin in some woods with fast internet, not too far from a town for necessities, and an SO to enjoy it with.

    I’d also like to be able to see the world, but I’d take a quiet and private life over it.

  12. Me alone, in an apartment in my hometown, close to my local footballclub (soccer) and city centre. Doing sports, seeing friends, enjoying music and a good rum. No kids, no relationship, just me and my future dog.

  13. Cabin in the woods on my mountain. Hardly ever any noises outside of what nature provides, with more than enough space to take up whatever hobbies I’ve a mind to try.

  14. A two-bedroom home to live in myself, and enough money to spend on travel and caprices like, “Hey, I just watched a video on YouTube about wood burning. That looks cool, I think I’ll buy what I need to start doing that.”

  15. A humble home on the coast, bonus points if it’s waterfront. Waking up in the morning next to my wife, not worrying about what’s happening that day. Feeling financially secure. Sitting on the beach and talking about how funny it was that when we were in our 30’s we’d walk up and down the beach and point at the houses and say “one day babe” and laughing about how we actually fucking did it and how crazy life is.

  16. 10+ acres in the mountains, preferably with some fishing and hunting options.

    Bring up a few weeks worth of food/drink, and just relax.

  17. As I age, all I really want is a small piece of land with some quiet outdoor space and enough money in the bank to not care.

  18. Small even tiny one floor house without any grass or anything to take care of.

    Somewhere warm.

    No family whatsoever so I can do whatever I want and not get dragged into shit I don’t care about. Have a friend to play chess or whatever with a couple times a week for lunch.

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