The title basically says everything. I don’t have any friends besides my boyfriend (22M), but I don’t really care? I’m really content with staying home with my boyfriend and dog. Whenever my bf goes out with friends I always have a great time by myself, and I don’t ever feel left out. I’ve had coworkers and friends from high school try to make plans, but I genuinely have no interest in hanging out with anyone. At the same time I feel like I’m probably missing out on a big part of my twenties.. Should I be forcing myself to make friends and spend time with them? Btw I also am clinically depressed and on 2 different meds for it lol so maybe that has something to do with it. Lmk your experiences/if I’m just a loser haha

TL;DR- I have no friends but I’m fine with it?

  1. You are an introvert and there is nothing wrong with it. But, yes go out occassionally with friends. For one thing, you may have a good time and you should not be completely isolated.

  2. >Should I be forcing myself to make friends and spend time with them

    Basically, yes. You said you’re depressed, so ‘forcing’ here might mean starting with continual treatment of your depression before leaping to the next step, whatever doctors and/or therapists you’re working with on that will know better than Reddit.

    But with that caveat, you really should have friends. Besides as you put it missing out on a lot of fun experiences, I think it’s just objectively putting too much on your relationship. You’re at a risk of becoming codependent if you’re not already, and the needs that start to pile up on your partner (entertainment, emotional support, etc etc) could ultimately poison the relationship. Or worse, what happens if you break up? Then you’re just fully isolated? Even the risk of that if your relationship hits a rough patch could cause you or your partner to behave irrationally.

    Things exist on a spectrum here, you don’t need to go from “no friends” to “socialite”, but friendships are valuable and, frankly, pragmatic.

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