I’ve liked this girl for a while now and we’ve been hanging alot lately. Today was going well, she was laughing non-stop and getting really close to me. We left my house and walked her home. We got to her apartment block and waiting in the lift (elevator). As we were talking and I looked up to check what floor we were at when I heard the sound of running water. I looked down to see that this girl had pissed herself. The whole thing lasted about 7 seconds. I tried to not make her feel embarrassed as we walked to her door, she was just laughing the whole time (probably out of embarrassment). I’m still shook and I’m not sure if I want to ever see again. What do I do?

  1. I can’t say I’d know what to do in that situation either. Only thing I’ll say is I had undiagnosed diabetes and was hospitalized in March. I’m A LOT better now, but between that and the foot infection I had, I could have died or lost my foot. That aside, peeing a lot (and being deathly thirsty) is a sign of diabetes. I never full on pee’d myself, but I had to hurry to the bathroom a few times. Maybe suggest she goes to a doctor; could save her life.

  2. Why does this one accident make you view her differently? Obviously she was embarrassed enough because she was laughing it off, maybe talk to her and see if this is an ongoing issue. Or maybe it was a once off and you can move on

  3. I have a feeling she probably never wants to see you again either. If she really had to go, you know, eventually your body WONT let you hold it in anymore. And maybe she got to that point. I can see why you may not want to see her but I do think for both your sakes, you should follow up with a text and just say, you know I don’t want you to feel embarrassed about today and that sometimes shit (or piss) happens and that you enjoyed your night out with her.

    I have a feeling things will probably fizzle out, but saying absolutely nothing to her will make her mind SPIN. And you’ll come off looking like a jerk. I would say, send a follow up text and then kind of distance yourself. I’m sure she will get the hint. I know you aren’t the one who did something wrong, but I just can’t imagine how incredibly horrible she feels. I would probably just crawl in a hole and die. And I’m thinking more about her mental health for the sake of a text to just clear the air so she can have some dignity back.

    Now, if you really like this girl and can overlook this situation, this will be quite a funny story to tell at your 30th anniversary party 😂

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