If today’d be the end of the world, what’d you do?

  1. Cook a bacon sandwich and eat it slowly with a good beer then call my friends to say thank you for being there for me.

  2. I’m going to need post nut clarity to answer what I’d do for the rest of the day

  3. Rob a dealership. Steal their top performing auto and know that whatever is coming, I will be the last one alive if I can outrun it. Mayne stop by has station for a monster and some sour gummy worms. Boiled peanuts are always a good fix. Solid final ride

  4. End of the world in what way? The type of apocalypse sorta determines how I answer that question. If it’s something I can survive I’ll prep. Buy nonperishable foods and bottled water. Make sure I have transport and weapons and a supplies. Then bug out to a safeish location.

    If I’m dead no matter what well that good gin won’t drink itself.

  5. I would go over to the woman I love and just give her a big kiss and hug.

    Then I would take every one of my edibles and hopefully pass out before whatever is going to happen, happens.

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