Like the title says my wife wants to sell out and buy an rv, tour the country while homeschooling the kids. Looking for advice from you that are doing it currently or have in the past.

  1. Check out /r/VanLife /r/VanDwellers

    If your family is the type to stay in, your family will quickly grow not to like it.

    On the other hand, if your family likes to get out of the house first thing in morning and stay out until bed time interacting with the external world they may like RV life over the long term.

  2. Rent one for like 3 weeks and do test run. Will be cheaper if wife change her mind…

  3. Without knowing you or your wife or your family, there is a staggeringly high chance that she has a vastly rosier image of van life than the realities would support.

    Home schooling is no joke. Likely sleep will be worse, cleanliness will take a hit, relationships will be strained.

    There are people who love it, but there are also a lot of people who just *think* they will love it.

  4. She has been watching too much tic toc. There are families that make it work but definitely something you should test out before making the commitment.

  5. Really simply put long as you program your children effectively to the point where they don’t need to seek employment then homeschooling is a great idea because they won’t need diplomas or degrees . Not saying the journey will be simple……………

  6. We did this on a boat, but no kids. It was a lot of fun but I can imagine kids make it 100x more challenging. When we stopped travelling it became a lot less fun and just turned in to a pain-in-the-ass tiny apartment, and we moved out.

    – It will always take more money than you expect.
    – Being in each others company 24×7 is challenging
    – Having a plan is key. Where do you want to go? What do you want to see?
    – Fitting all our crap in to a 40ft catamaran was … not fun. I imagine an RV isn’t that different. It’s both a challenge and an opportunity to downsize!

  7. Here are some subs to check out and ask this question on:





  8. Definitely do a trial holiday first by renting one. It’s A big commitment when you’ve got kids so you got as make sure it’s what you both want to do. Might be a really fun adventure on the flip side.

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