After 5 dates, she said she has concerns about how the relationship is going to develop. She says she is currently emotionally instable and can only control her emotions and such when she gets to see a boyfriend that visits her everyday.

If you saw my earlier post this is the same just with additional info, im just trying to get more opinions out of this.

We live 2 hours apart, the summer holidays just started, she made extra shifts for her part time job in the supermarket for some extra pocket money. The thing is i thought this would be the time to visit each other more, because the summer holidays are 6 weeks long but she just made most of her freetime not available for me. She complains about living to far apart but also not making any effort to make plans and dates or such. I made every date happened, with my effort. She most of the time never even texts, so i am the one starting the convos all the time. And she still complains about not meeting enough or such when she doesn’t even make any effort.

But why didn’t she already knew this?? We know each other for 4-5 months and she realizes it now that distance is not as easy?? Before those 4-5 months i made clear to hear I only want to stay friends. Boom the new year starts and she came crawling out of her cave and asked me if i wanted to do something with her, but now she doesn’t even seem to care about me or making things work.

Ending this would be the best answer here right? Sorry this sounds such like a rant i just needed to let it go to someone.

  1. Long Distance is the Wrong Distance…

    …that being said the behavior is probably due to a situation where you are or are becoming a backup option anyway. Move on pal

  2. I can maybe understand her need to have a person present more often but then again this is a two way street. She can also travel. She can also make time. And she can also text. She is not invested in the relationship as you are and she is probably just using you to feel better about herself. Even in this posts you are too blind to see what is going on. Which, i am not roasting you, as i was in the same position. You just want to make it work.
    But in this case, i don’t think you can. Move on. Find someone that will give you what you need.

  3. Emotionally unstable and needs visit everyday?
    You don’t want those types.

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