My(23f) boyfriend(27m) and I have been together for a year and a half. He’s been the sweetest man ever and has been there for me when I need him. He used to introduce his friends to me and other people he meets. Everything has changed.

I can’t think of why he would change but this. I don’t know if this is what did this to him but one day i was hanging out with one of his friends. All we did was chat and laugh about stuff. The next day my boyfriend is hanging out with this exact friend and his friend brought up something we talked about the previous day. I giggled at it and I just remember that day my boyfriend gave me this long stare most of the day. Before this comes about, when my boyfriend was around this friend, he would stare at me when I would be near them. Right after that my boyfriend kept that friend right on his hip and never left him out of his sight. I no longer talked to that friend since that day. But the friend no longer lives in our state.

Lately, he dislikes me making new guy friends. He no longer introduces me to his friends, only females(rare). Whenever a man approaches me, I can hear footsteps and see my boyfriend heading towards me. He used to walk by and maybe listen from a distance but now he includes himself in the conversation. This includes his friends. I feel like I can’t do anything. I’m starting to get really scared because this wasn’t like him. Any advice?

  1. Have you asked why he stopped bringing you around the boys? You can say that you miss being around his friends and that you feel like he’s hiding you some.

  2. It’s pretty obvious he didn’t like how comfortable you were getting with his friend. He obviously lost trust in you now. I have no idea whether you and his friend were actually out of line or not. It’s possible he’s just paranoid or extremely jealous and has a problem. But it’s also possible that you owe him an apology and some reassurance that you truly only want him and won’t do it again. If you’re smart you’ll know which situation it is.

  3. If the interaction between you and this friend was innocent, you have nothing to worry about and the issue is with him. You need to bring this up to HIM though because you can’t read his mind and he will be able to tell you exactly why his behavior changed. Whether or not his reasoning is reasonable or not is up to you, but you can’t make a clear decision on what to do without talking to him first. If the interaction was innocent and these issues came up seemingly out of nowhere, it might be time to end the relationship.

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