My and my gf tried to have sex two days ago and I ended up cumming before I could even stick it in past the tip (I had a condom on and she’s on birth control). We tried again 2 hours ago, and I couldn’t get past a couple half thrusts before almost cumming, even with a condom on. Does anybody know why or have any tips?

  1. It’s a bit of a negative cycle, you’re nervous and excited because you’re having sex and that makes you “excited” and possibly cum quicker, and knowing that you’re close makes you more nervous. Practice makes perfect so just keep trying. But I will say this, sometimes people that don’t have a lot of sexual experience seem to check off boxes in their head, but you really need to take it slow and practice focusing on touches and reactions to touches. I think this helps you become more intimate, comfortable and less nervous.

  2. Quickest easiest way is to jerk off a few hours before. It’ll be harder to cum when you try again. They also make numbing condoms, but those can be a bit heavy handed.

  3. If you haven’t had much sexual activity in a while, the first nut is always the fastest and quickest. For some men, it’s a one and done thing. For others, they have to go a few rounds to last again and again. It’s also a mental thing too. Don’t think too hard on it, just let the moment happen. Usually the second or more time around, it takes a while to build, but you can still last a while being hard without cumming.

  4. Try edging yourself. My husband told me in the years befor we met that he would edge for hours before he would let himself cum while masterbaiting. He goes till I’m ready for him to cum👍

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