I have a girlfriend since 2 months and she’s still acting weird.. We broke up like 2 times for small fights but we’re still together. She is not share lot of things about me. When I ask what she’s doing she always says “nothing” And when I asked about something she did she says “idk” and when i’m talking about our future she’s not excited about those things or sometimes she ignore that.. Sometimes she take everything as a joke. And sometimes she lying about things like about her friends, about her social media accounts. And I caught she was talking to someone else but I forgot her because we were also fighting when that happening. She’s trying to hide lot of things from me.. When I ask for a picture she says no or sometimes she says ” u first ” but when I sent she doesn’t send me a pic and take it as a joke.. She is 19 and live in philippines.. I really love her and i’m very serious about this relationship but most of the times she’s stressing me out. I’m not trying to break up I want a way to keep this healthy. Any advice?

  1. Info: she’s 19 and in Philippines. Where are you and what is your age?

  2. Sounds either like an emotionally immature kid or a catfish

    Either way I would end it because of 2 breakups in less than 2 months after meeting, sounds like they have issues which shouldnt be your problem.

    You wanna keep it then just keep digging your own grave

  3. I get the feeling you’ve not actually met or spent much time together in person. You don’t have a girlfriend, you have a chat buddy.

    You don’t sound compatible. Move on.

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