I have been with my boyfriend 4 years and I have never met his friends.

He s hanging out a lot with this girl and I am worried he s subtly trying to hit on her.

That’s the situation:
In january me and him planned to go to a festival
I buy him the tickets for his birthday for the both of us+bell tent rented+car park.
He declines my tickets and says he alredy has two for him and this girl.
I ask if I can join and he refuses by saying “I feel uncomfortable, I don’t want to be the glue of the situation”
I ask if ai can go with a male friend and he says he doesn’t want me to sleep next to a male.
On top of this he will, after thos festival, go to another of a week with this girl.
I am confused
What does all of this mean??

  1. When i love my girlfriend… i will go with my girlfriend and nobody else bcs she is my best friend, my love.

  2. Yeah this is ridiculous. There is no reason after four years not to meet your SO friends. There is no way he is not hiding something. I’d put your foot down and you have to be ready to walk away if he isn’t willing to budge.

  3. What’s weirdest is its his bday and not some random day of the year.

    Maybe he wanted to surprise you and purchased everything already?

    This sounds too fishy. In his defense 1 criteria to have a gf is to be comfortable having friendships with women; but leaving you confused isn’t great much either.

  4. Just go. You don’t need his permission. You are your own person. He’s controlling you and you’re letting him. You’re not equals in this relationship. He’s allowed to go with some other girl and sleep next to her but you can’t do the same with your friend? A reasonable partner would appreciate your gift and make an effort to either go with you or rearrange things to go as a group. He’s diminishing you by saying he has to be the glue between y’all implying you can’t behave or something. He’d rather spend his time with this other girl for the same event and isn’t willing to compromise. I’m not going to say this is an immediate ‘dump him’ situation cause 4 yrs is a long time, I don’t know if he’s been an amazing partner outside of this 1 incident. But you should really take some time to yourself and evaluate why you love this person and if they actually give you what you need.

  5. Okaaaay, this “relatonship” is over. Do not let someone tell you what to do. And do not tolerate someone who takes you for granted. End this. Block him as well. This guy is over you and onto this new girl. You made a kind gesture and totally blew you off. No. Be done. I am sorry for you having to experience this.

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