So I (f18) have been talking to this guy non stop, he’s sometimes really direct with stuff, but other times he’s totally unreadable.

I don’t want to directly ask him to fuck because well, I don’t want to ruin the friendship I’ve formed with him, he’s not usually very open with people, and doesn’t let people get to know him. Thing is with me, he tells me a lot, really opens up to me and tells me secrets.

Ik he’s for sure not interested in anything serious, but we’ll neither am I.

He hates compliments, so I can’t even use those to slide in and see if he’s into it.

That being said what ways can I see if he would be interested in fucking?

  1. Invite him to spend some alone time with you, such as coming over and watching a movie, or going out together. When you’re alone and the opportunity presents itself, try making a physical move.

  2. You can have sex without it being romantic or whatnot. There are many good situations where friends become “friends with benefits”. For certain personality types, this can sometimes be better than traditional relationships – especially if both people aren’t ready for emotional commitment.

    “Hey, do you want to have sex today?” “Sure.” “Cool.”

    But if the answer is “not today”? Also cool. No hurt feelings.

    In my book, looking for signs and hints is a fool’s errand. The best way is to just talk.

    Sit down with him. “Hey man. I like hanging out with you. I really value your friendship. I love how we can talk about anything.

    Well, let me do that, too. See, I would like to fuck you. I now that you aren’t looking for anything serious right now – neither am I. But it seems to me that if we can have a great time anyway, and we both want sex… why not add some benefits to our friendship?

    If you’re not down, that’s fine. But if you are…?”

    Something like that. Be direct. Be no nonsense. Don’t be ashamed or weird about it.

    I’d lay money that he’ll be down once he realizes that you are serious and aren’t trying to be complicated. But if he’s not – he’s not. And that’s okay.

    Either way? You know for sure. I have learned that there are few things in life that you regret taking a risk over, even if you fail. What you kick yourself for years about are the chances you never took.

  3. If he is a straight man and talking to you he’s interested in having sexual relations.

    For those who will scream at me I’m speaking of the 99.9% of the time this is true.

  4. Start talking about things related to sex. Like funny things, experiences, maybe something weird you heard about. See if he likes talking about those things. It might turn him on, who knows.

  5. I know you don’t want to be direct but honestly I thin that’s your best bet.

    Guys are known for picking up on subtlety. And what might be crystal clear to you may go right over his head.

    Example: I was spending a lot of time with this girl I was into and she seemed friendly and great. She said to me once. “I feel like guys treat me like one of the guys when sometimes I just want to be kissed.” I told her that I didn’t see her as one of the guys. Not realizing until years later that that was her saying “kiss me”.

    people put too much stock in the idea of ruining friendships. If a friendship can be ruined by such a simple miscommunication then how valuable/worthwhile could it have been. and you can do a lot toward salvaging that type of thing.

    I’m 95% certain this guy would be down if you went in for a kiss or asked him to kiss you. (and that could lead wherever you want). If by some crazy thing he isn’t feeling it and pulls away or says no. Then it’s only as awkward as the two of you make it. and you control fully half of that equation. You laughing and saying “Woah I misread that. Let go continue talking about baseball.” can go a long way.

    The problem seems to arise when people take it personally. If you make you move and he pulls back and you can’t deal with the rejection then that’s on you. just like it would be in any other circumstances of male on female or same sex stuff. No one is obligated to share your interest or attraction. and every time you make your feelings known you can feel vulnerable. But that risk is important. If you can become someone that can deal gracefully with rejection/failure then you will own life and relationships and kick all sorts of ass. It’s not an easy thing though.

    I think you can do it. Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.

  6. Stop looking for signs, sometimes they are visible and others not so much. Go for it if u want to get something from him go for it. He will be surprise but happy. Many women don’t dare to give the first step. Get him alone and make your move. What can u lose?

  7. Well going by how you worded your post, you do not seem to be shy or meek about things. I say that works in your favor. Since he is open with you about stuff you can work sex talk into the convo.

    Tell him you want to explore/experience things but want it to be with someone safe and can trust. Something like that and judge his reaction. See where the convo goes. Guys can be blind especially to gals they have friendships with. Its like we friends zone ourselves.

    I myself have been a blind dumbass lots of times only to find out years later what was what.

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