It happened today and now I’m really worried that people think that I am stupid.

The teacher asked me a question on something and I got it right which was fine. I thought she was done asking me things so just as I start concentrating on my work again she asks me something else which I didn’t hear so I ask her to repeat it. I wasn’t really concentrating in the lesson so I suppose it was my bad anyway.

Some people were still talking in the lesson so again I didn’t hear her so I just replied with a ‘I don’t know’. Then the people around me started saying “It’s \_\_\_\_” and ”The answer is \_\_\_\_” but by then I’m starting to get really stressed and embarrassed and everyones words are just overlapping so I just kept saying ‘I don’t know’ to the teacher which then provokes another wave of “The answer is \_\_\_\_”. So then the teacher shuts everyone up and I got the answer just fine after i FINALLY hear what the question was and she explains it.


I’ve never felt more embarrassed, even though I know it’s silly . I’ve always felt really conscious about my reputation in class and what others think of me, so I felt kind of upset when speaking to a friend about it and then just being sidetracked to another subject. I know my intelligence, and I know that I’ve been put in a top set for a reason. It’s just these rare times that make me feel so stupid .

Is there any way I can stop shutting down when in times of stress? It’s almost like I go deaf whenever it happens.

  1. >It happened today and now I’m really worried that people think that I am stupid.

    >The teacher asked me a question on something and I got it right which was fine. I thought she was done asking me things so just as I start concentrating on my work again she asks me something else which I didn’t hear so I ask her to repeat it. I wasn’t really concentrating in the lesson so I suppose it was my bad anyway.

    Apply yourself if it’s STEM, 20th Century History, Microeconomics, or Sociology. Participate if it’s entirely STEM. Otherwise do not meaningfully talk to the teacher, and do not attempt to do so; if you speak to the teacher, do so to dodge the question, such as “I wish to remain silent,” or “I am not currently prepared to make a statement on the matter of [optional list of nouns describing the matter].” Do not get into a kerfluffle in History.

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