I’m 25F and I think I’m obsessed with let’s plays. Whenever I’m bored or want something to put on in the background I always choose to put on Jacksepticeye or Pewdiepie let’s plays of God of War or Outlast. I must have seen them over a hundred times but they comfort me and I enjoy having them on in the background. My partner thinks it’s a bit strange but doesn’t judge and says if it makes me happy then so what. But I wondered if it was genuinely bizarre to other people?

  1. 25m same but not let’s plays some vids I already saw it is comforting in a way sometimes when I play a video auto plays and I just listen to it idc.I don’t think it’s weird if we like it we like it…

  2. My fiancee (26F) also does the same thing but with the musics. She loves to listen to Green day everyday while she works or do random chores. It is normal, some ppl likes to do some “rituals” to put a good mood or get things done.

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