Hi everyone. My boyfriend and I are both 20 and we have been together for almost 3.5 years. In the past month, I’ve been realizing a ton of issues in my relationship and I’ve began losing interest. I’ve communicated how I’m feeling, but my boyfriend keeps saying that he will do anything to keep me. Some of these issues are him constantly making up lies and stories, even about totally irrelevant things like stuff that happened at work that I know did not happen, or he will tell his parents he got an A+ on an exam when he really got a C. Another issue is that when I am trying to explain something that he’s doing that upsets me or when I’m mad at him, he plays the victim and brings up how he thinks he might be depressed and when I tell him that he should see a doctor, he refuses. Another big issue I don’t like his friends—they’re constantly rude to me and my roommates for no reason and my boyfriend continues to be best friends with them which is fine, but it doesn’t make me feel confortable being around them which is unfair to both of us (I’ve communicated this). As I’m getting older, I’m also realizing that I want to live in a big city post-grad and he wants to stay in the suburbs and get married right after college. I feel like I’ve outgrown this relationship but I’m scared to break up with him. Should I get out?

Tldr; I think I’ve outgrown my relationship

  1. Gonna be dead honest here. reminds me of my relationship before and im pretty much your boyfriend, breaking up will benefit you alot, will make him sad af probs but it will in turn fix him and make him think alot more hopefully. and if he doesnt get sad, well then you have a consolidating answer to your question.

  2. If that’s how you feel then do it. He’s not telling the truth cos he feels not good enough & needs to boost his self confidence by lies. Not a sign of a healthy relationship.
    You’ve matured more & should try a new dynamic with another guy.
    Good luck!

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