
As the title says, I had my “first time” today, and it was… really disappointing…

I met a girl online, we hit it well and decided to meet. It was nothing but a hookup.

We met, we started to give me a fellatio but weirdly enough, it didn’t really do anything to me as she was just focused on the tip. So I barely felt anything, I felt more thing by masturbating.

But when we decided to have sex, I put the condom when my dick went soft has I put the condom.. I don’t know why…

We went back to the fellatio but has I put another condom, it went soft again… I don’t know why that happened. I felt like I was ready but it seems I wasn’t. Or maybe hookups aren’t really my type of things…


Has anyone experienced that before? Putting the condom and having your dick go soft?

  1. It’s normal

    You’re fine.

    First time is nerve-racking and it fucks with your erection.

    It’s perfectly normal.

  2. Yeah, it happened to me either, a few times, first time included.
    First of all, don’t lose the trust in you, or your penis.
    And you should try Kegel exercises. Google it a bit.
    They helped me out too.

  3. First time is mostly memorable for how much of a disaster it is haha. You’ll be alright!

  4. First times are always messy and awkward, especially if you are with a new partner and not used to intimacy with them. Don’t let movies fool you, this is normal and it will get better with time

  5. First time sex is weird! Even for the rest of your life the first time you have sex with a new partner can be super awkward. It takes time to learn someone’s body so I wouldn’t sweat that part.

    The condom thing is just a matter of practice. Have you tried to put one on when masturbating to get used to the feeling?

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