So I have been dating my GF for about 6 months and I was a virgin up until I met her, I never had any luck with women but over the past month I feel like she might not me sexually attracted to me. A few times she has mentioned how pale I am (Im a redhead) and even tho Im athletic, 6ft and above average penis size but the other day when drunk she was talking about how hot her Ex boyfriend was. I then said to her “Do you find me sexually attractive” and then she said “Well relationships are more about looks”.

Another thing is that she never wants to suck my dick and im also uncut, Even tho Im always clean but I feel like that might be the reason why. She even said to me thay cut penises look better

I always eat her out and I like eating her out but then she just never wants to suck me off. Most times when I ask her even for a kiss or cuddle she just rejects me

  1. She sounds like kind of an asshole tbh

    I’m super duper sexually attracted to my SO. Over the moon attracted to him.
    No one deserves to be in a relationship where their partner isn’t desiring them. I’m sorry you have to deal with that, it’s so mean.

  2. >when drunk she was talking about how hot her Ex boyfriend was. I then
    said to her “Do you find me sexually attractive” and then she said “Well
    relationships are more about looks”.

    time to let her go and stay single until you find someone who is actually thirsty for you. you are settling for this woman because you never felt that desire before. if you did, you wouldn’t be here.

  3. Redhead men are sexy! Your girlfriend sounds selfish and inconsiderate, you deserve someone who is not only attracted to you but not so insensitive to say mean things and talk about her ex.

  4. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, your relationship is doom. I had a girlfriend, who I thought was the best looking woman I’ve ever been with. Unfortunately she didn’t like to perform oral sex. That is a deal breaker for me, so I had to fire her fine ass. LMAO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

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