I’m a 19-year-old (female) close to 20 years old! I am fully black! I grew up in predominantly white neighbourhoods and got bullied horribly. I remember this white girl saying that my voice is the only thing pretty about me because I sound like a “white girl.” Also, I plan on having sex when I get a boyfriend, but I’m going to be a sophomore in college, and I don’t think I’ll ever date anyone. It doesn’t seem like something that exists for me.

  1. Nah it’s not holding you back at all, you just haven’t found the right person

  2. No, just realize you aren’t entitled to any specific group- no one is.

    You’re in college, you should be meeting and hanging out with lots of different people no?

  3. I actually get this alot too. People constantly tell me my voice sounds white and quite frankly it pisses me off.

    I always feel awkward about dating since people seem to expect me to be a certain way just because of the color of my skin.

    I don’t let it hold be back as much as I used to though.

    As the other people in this thread have said don’t let hateful stuff hold you back!

  4. You might have more luck in person!!! OLD for me has personally never worked. Unfortunately we have to worry about being sexualized simply because of our race. Maybe if you could meet someone in person, this will have higher odds

  5. I can relate. I grew uo in suburban neighborhood in Texas. I was called “oreo” and told I talk white, act white, and dress white by blacks and whites. Now @ 36 I look back and realize I was a product of my environment. I love how I grew up so no regrets.

    I will be frank and say there are challenges for black women dating (in the US). But don’t get discouraged. Know your worth, know what your standards are, and don’t just settle. Pick a man worthy of you and who you are.

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