What makes a man free?

  1. ‘murica baby


  2. His desire to be so, and the willingness to take on the responsibility necessary to be so.

  3. Living your dream with your lady…

    Note:- Your lady is the one you love… Not the hot chick you want to just fuck….
    Choose a woman who is like an asset in your life not a liability… Who is smart basically

  4. The ability to choose his own chains and enough education to able to make an informed choice. We all end up in service or enslaved to something in life be it work, family, hobbies etc. You won’t make it long living completely β€œfree” of responsibility and I don’t think it’s possible. If you indulge completely in self satisfying hedonism you become enslaved to that as well. Think of the rockstars who burn themselves out with drugs and parties.

    So it’s to find a responsibility, a chain if you want to see it that way, that makes life worth it. Only you can answer that question.

  5. Great question. A free man is a man that’s free of commitments and desires. Oh and attachments

  6. I think that depends on the man. I think if you’re able to do what you want to when you want to then you’re free…that can be greatly different depending on who you’re talking to.

  7. Independence and self reliance. So long as you have to rely on others to sustain yourself, you can never be free.

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