I’m (23M) curious if anyone else has this feeling too. In high school, I could talk to anyone about anything it felt like. Music, games, sports, the news, the weather, politics, anything. It came so easy to me to talk to people, either they be strangers or friends. I had so many people I could talk to about anything.

In college, that receded a bit and I become more reserved and to myself, unless spoken to, or called on. I would still participate in group discussions, but I wasn’t as social as I once was.

Now, as of late, I feel like I have lost my touch. I find it difficult to carry or hold a conversation at times. If there is a flow going on, then I can keep the conversation going, but I do sometimes feel like my words aren’t helping the conversation stay alive. I find it harder to keep them going, despite loving social interaction. I have fewer friends now than I did in college and high school.

Don’t get me wrong, I have some close friends that I love and care for, but even sometimes with them it is hard to do. One of them have also expressed that she finds it hard to keep conversations going and that she’s self-conscious about it. I am glad that we share that same struggle, as we have bonded greatly over it, among other things.

I was just curious if anyone else has felt this? I don’t mind that I have lost said social touch, but things are different now than they were only a few years ago. I also wonder if covid has had anything to do with it.

Thanks! 🙂

1 comment
  1. I feel the same. I remember I had so many friends back in middle school, almost all of my class were my friends. I was super social I remember I would talk to everyone with ease.

    Then in high school I got depressed but still had a few of those same friends left, not as social as before.

    In college I was alone, but still could socialize with classmates, lost the few friends i had, got used to being alone..

    After quarantine I feel like I lost almost all of my social skills. I don’t know how to join in group convos, I prefer to be alone all the time or with one or two people and I’m so awkward now…

    Just graduated college recently and I feel lost. I don’t know how to socialize like everyone else anymore. Even phone calls give me major anxiety. Yesterday I called a therapist to help me out, hopefully it gets better

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