So last year i matched this girl on tinder and started talking to her

We talked for a few months and hit it off pretty well. Because i have some selfesteem issues it took me a long time to actually ask her out, to the point she actually asked le out before i built up the courage.

We live very close to eachother to the point we both met up in our hometowncentre which is about a 5 minute walk from both oir homes.

We went barhopping and had a really good time. At the end of the date i walked her home, on said walk she actually kissed me. And when i dropped her off at home we kissed again.

After the date we continue talking via whatsapp daily, sending eachother goodmorning texts, you know the regular

I ask her out again 2 weeks later and she says she can’t cause she was too busy with work and family stuff.
I know her dad is really sick (small town) and she has a high stress job. So i tell her no worries

Well its been nearly 4 months now and still we had no second date, she keeps telling me she’s too busy.

I actually did tell her that if she doesn’t feel like that about me there were no worries we only have been on 1 date and that i’m mature enough to take rejection. She assured me that wasn’t the case and that she wasn’t leading me on a’d that her life is just hectic rn

Last week she finally told me she should have some time free in 2 weeks so we would go on a date

However now i suddenly don’t hear from her anymore

She still comes online but doesn’t read my messages
Untill now we used to talk daily for about half a year now

I’m not hearthbroken about it like i said we only went on 1 real date i just don’t understand what happend

Tldr: went on a great date with a girl, she still showed alot of interest but doesn’t want to go another date

  1. nothing happened, that’s the thing.

    you don’t sound like you did anything wrong, and neither did she.

    Maybe you guys didn’t click for her, maybe she went out, had a great time but couldn’t see herself doing more then that because of how busy her life was. maybe all she wanted was an evening to let loose.

    What ever the reason, it didn’t work out, so now you get to move on.

    And like my dad always says to me when I get worked up over dates: for god’s sake it’s not like you’re marrying the guy you just want to see if he chews with his mouth closed and can carry a semi-intelligent conversation!

    So even though you are nervous and scared, try putting it aside and view it more like you are going out to see a friend. if you get more out of it great, if not well you still had a great evening.

  2. Sounds like either she is not into you or is telling you the truth. Don’t waist any more time on it. Move on! I do wish you the best of luck!

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