I (m22) paint my nails, am quite fastidious as to how I present myself and am a big fan or jewerly and basically using my attire as a way of self expression. Im not particularly bothered by what others think my issue is that some guys (random amd family) in the past have had an issue with how i dress and seem to take it as a personal offence.

So my question is there a tactful way to difuse the situation? Normally I just lean into the comments by poking a bit of fun at myself but I feel like I shouldnt have to.

Yes boundaries would be nice but I dont care to spend my time trying to undo 20 or 30 years of ignorance.

On mobile dont mind format/punctuation.

  1. Seems like you are a super confident person, which is a good thing. If that’s how you like to present yourself, you go girl.

    But if I were you, I’d probably tone down a bit when I’m meeting with family members. That’ll probably save you from a lot of annoying comments or whatever.

  2. It’s a little hard to convince family members. But you shouldn’t care what random guys or girls say. I have women tell me I look better with a beard yet I still keep it clean shaven because that’s just how I like myself.

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