Hey guys, im m 20 frm india ,i met a girl on tinder, we talked for couple of months and then we decided to meet, it was mutually decided it will be casual but after couple of meets i started to catch feelings for her and then after some Months i confronted, she said ‘i also have some same feeling for you ‘but we can’t do a relationship bcoz she a bad past experiences with her ex and she is not sure it, we share alot of things in common , our interests , our humour , things we love to do etc etc, she is really a sweet girl , we go on dates and all. But she said that she’ll be in no relationship and commitment. Which i understand. Now the situation rn is that its not casual anymore( frm both the sides i have confirmed it) and its not an relationship or anything like that.she gives me mixed signals about this situation we talked about it and we end up fighting 😶, and i start to feel insecure sometimes, Im confused with what should i do, ( anyone experienced giving me his/her perspective would be appreciated!) Dms open 🙂 Thanks for your time❤️

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