TLDR: boyfriend is depressed and not motivated to make changes without me pushing him. I feel exhausted but I see some progress.

Is it normal to be worried when you think of the future with your boyfriend? I am 27 and he’s 31. We have been dating for about 8 months and things have not been so flawless. At first it was insanely amazing but after 3 months we had the biggest fight I’ve ever had in a relationship. I still think back on that even though he apologized and it’s behind us. He doesn’t work, lives with parents and has little to no goals and I have very large dreams. I want to achieve and I think somewhere deep down he does too but his mental state holds him back so much. While there are improvements in the relationship like him seeking mental help, him applying to some minimum wage jobs and so on, he still seems to be doing the bare minimum and I worry that we are on different paths. I love him dearly but when we talk about these things, he gets frustrated and anxious and doesn’t say much. I want him to be able to discuss the future with me and he doesn’t even know what he’s doing tomorrow. Every day he watches tv and smokes weed and says there are no jobs he would enjoy doing so it isn’t worth applying anywhere. He has applied to 3 jobs in the last 4 months. All minimum wage fast food jobs. He says he doesn’t want to be like this forever but he doesn’t seem to make the change. Is it worth sticking it out to because I love and care for him or best to split because we don’t see eye to eye on these crucial matters?

1 comment
  1. You 2 aren’t compatible in the slightest. Mental health problems or not, we have to keep it moving and he’s 31 already, how are you supposed to start a family with that? You know deep down you deserve better. Good luck!

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