Always been curious about destiny, people coming back together after years by a chance meeting, I think it’s beautiful how people find their way back to eachother. How did it happen?

  1. The sex was great that first night, then everything just felt awkward and weird.

  2. I had a high school friend. He and I were good friends. I was over at his house all the time back in the day. A good guy and a great family. I lost contact with him and his family after graduation and we went our separate ways into life. Fast forward 12 years, 200 miles away from our home town, and in a sea of 5 million people – – I walk into a restaurant one day and I see this beautiful girl seated at a table with other women. I thought I knew her. It bothered me so much that I approached her and asked if we knew each other. After 1-2 minutes we pieced it together. She was the younger sister of this friend from high school. Turns out she lived 10 minutes from me. We exchanged phone numbers. We became friends. It evolved. We got married and have 3 kids together. Just crazy how we ran into each other like that after all that time. I’d even forgotten her name. Why would I remember that?

    The one thing we don’t tell people because they wouldn’t understand is how we actually met the first time. We’re 10 years apart in age. We met at the restaurant that day when I was age 30 and she was age 20. So if you do the math, which I’m sure you’re already doing – – I started running with her brother when I was 16. So when she and I actually met the first time, she was 6 years old. I know, really strange. But this is a G rated story. There’s nothing there. She was just the freckled face kid sister of a friend. She was a funny kid, then ……and she’s still hilarious.

    Just a crazy story.

  3. My gf and I dated all through high school, I joined the military after graduation and we broke things off knowing it would be impossible to keep a relationship afloat while I was in. After the military we got back together for a short while and I broke things off needing to explore myself and try new things I knew she wasnt up for. Fast forward many years and after we both got divorced from out SOs we got back together as friends, that turned into us dating again. It took 20 years for us to get around to marrying, next march is our 10 year anniversary.

  4. I wouldn’t call it destiny, I searched online and eventually confirmed I had the right person when found her picture that her job had posted for some reason. Yeah, “cyberstalking” is probably accurate.

    She had apparently low-key been looking for me again since the 1990s, so we met for lunch and the rest is history.

    …if by “the rest” you mean “hung out on and off for a year or two, decided that we didn’t really connect any more, and drifted back apart.”

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