So I met a girl on tinder, and we started texting for a little bit, we exchanged socials then later on we exchanged numbers and started talking on iMessage…she’s told me from the beginning that she doesn’t like texting and she doesn’t know how to text, and that she’d rather be on the phone. She doesn’t like texting and I don’t really like FaceTiming.

But we still texted anyways, sometimes she’d not be that good at it but she still texted back, she then asked me if I wanted to hang out & I said sure, we decided that we were going to see a new movie that came out, I was planning on paying for her ticket but she asked me if I was paying for her which made me not want to pay, I find it somewhat rude to ask. So I didn’t pay for her ticket, she paid for hers. But I bought us both snacks for the movie.

Before and after the movie we walked around and talked, and we bonded very well, laughed, etc. i think it was a good date. We even had a kiss on the date lol.

Later that day after our date she sends me a message saying “I had a good time, thank you for taking me out ❤️” I said you’re welcome etc etc, but later on she starts getting dry with her messages, and takes longer to reply. Like I said, she doesn’t really prefer texting, but before that date even though she could be dry AT TIMES she still replied back. I told her that she seems off, like she doesn’t wanna text me no more, so I told her if she feels that way to let me know and we can stop texting. She said “chilll” like that’s not the reason for her being dry. I told her she texts her friends with no problem, and she said “it’s different” and she said “you always bring them up” and I told her “no I only talk about them when you bring them up, except this time because that’s the only people I’ve seen you text, and you said you don’t like texting”

This was sent two days ago and she hasn’t replied since, what does this mean? Am I overthinking? I know she doesn’t like texting but still, something seems off.

  1. >I told her that she seems off, like she doesn’t wanna text me no more, so I told her if she feels that way to let me know and we can stop texting. She said “chilll” like that’s not the reason for her being dry.

    Sounds like you pushed too hard and came off as needy.
    She made it clear she doesn’t like to text. IMO, you should have chilled and left the ball in her court for communication.

  2. Did you know that the more you whine and complain the more you put a woman off?

    she told you to chill, and yet you keep complaining and doubting her interest and everything….

    She literally said she doesn’t like texting from the beggining, and yet you keep looking for reasons as to why she should text more based on what she does with her friends

    . What she does with her friends has nothing to do with you, so you need to stop comparing yourself to them, stop comparing the attention she gives to them vs the attention she gives to you.

    Like dude stop it! You are being super needy, and pressuring her.

    The reason she most likely isn’t replying after that is precisely because of what i am saying, you are making her feel bad, pressured, and annoyed with your fucking need for constant attention.

    You are being sooooooooo needy! That’s always gonna be off putting to most women.

    When it comes to the phone the less you text her the better the less attention you seek from her the better…. The more you push and whine that she gives more attention to others than you, the more you shoot yoruself in the foot. You literally cause her to be less interested by doing that.

    You need to stop trying to interpret someone’s interest based on their texting habits, just stop doing that because you will always get to wrong, and you will be the one fucking things up by doing it.

  3. My man, you DO need to relax. How long have you been talking? If it’s not been more than 3-5 months you need to take it down a notch or 5. She has been accommodating to you with texts and she’s told you she doesn’t like it. Sometimes people just need a break from things they don’t like. Even if that means being distant from you since you won’t FaceTime. Take a deep breath, apologize, and hope she’s forgiving.

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