So I’m an 18 year old girl and I’m in love with my friend and I want his cock to be inside me even when we’re sleeping and he feels the same way is there any risk of infection

  1. Weird isn’t it . But I get what your saying . Does he not oblige ? Soft is inevitable that length of time but you’ll be asleep by then maybe .

  2. No risk of infection. But it’s difficult to sustain. Erections go away after a while.

  3. I used to do this with my ex felt amazing and if you keep squeezing it with your pussy he will get hard again and again 😈

  4. There’s no risk of infection from him leaving it in however it’s always a good idea to get tested every couple of months if you’re being sexually active.

    I’ve done this with my current partner multiple times. But when it gets soft it’ll eventually flop out lol. Plus lots of people move in their sleep so there’s a good chance it won’t be in there when you wake up

  5. Actually tried this. It was honestly a nice way to fall asleep but you won’t wake up with him in you. Unless you both pass out like a light bulb he will pass out like a light get soft and roll over. Just how it works but it was still nice.

  6. I think this is called *cock warming* or *soaking*. It’s a thing and I don’t think you have anything to worry about. It will probably get soft and flop out in the night but if your already asleep then who cares. It sound pretty intimate and nice.

  7. It’s a nice idea, I totally recommend it.

    There are some things that can go wrong, that you need to be aware of,

    Your arousal will *probably* subdue a bit when you fall asleep. Leaving less room for him in there, and you’ll dry off. This means that you’ll either naturally push him out, or risk some not-that-awesome chafing. Some deal with this easier than others, and you can’t know which one you are until you’ve tried it.

    There is always a chance that his presence inside you, and your presence around him, makes it, you know…veeeeery difficult to fall asleep. But that’s part of the fun.

    There is always a chance that the subtle physical stimulation that is constantly there will find it’s way into either of your dreams. Interesting things can happen kind of automatically if one of you start moving in their sleep. The one of you who wakes first is not necessarily the one who started it…

    Waking up in the middle of the night, realising that “oh, we are still joined together here”, and acting on it gently to see what happens can be a pretty fun way to please yourself and your partner.

    But, again, you may want to try to have him in you for a few hours without much movement *when you are awake*, first. So that you know if your body agrees on that it’s a good idea, before actually trying it in a setting where you can’t trust yourself to react on discomfort.

  8. i recommend cowgirl for it🙋🏽‍♀️ me and my ex used to do this and wed both pass out after he came in me and I’d wake up on top of him w him still in me. was my fav

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