What do you think when you see a woman who is injured? Like in a cast or boot, on crutches, etc? Is it a turn off? Are you just curious what happened? I’m curious because I currently have a broken ankle and I feel really self conscious because I get a lot of stares, especially from guys.

  1. In my head I think ” I would so love to write a dad joke on that cast”

  2. 1) Either I don’t care at all, you’re a stranger to me.

    2) I know you and my self-destructive savior complex kicks in and my head is struggling of ways to help you out.

  3. I’ll get curious for about 6 seconds then continue with whatever I’m doing. Unless they need help with something that they are unable to do then I’ll lend a hand.

  4. More likely trying to see if your in need of help with something part of the male being provider and protectors

  5. OP, people are looking at you because not everyone is walking around with a cast or walking boot. It’s out of the ordinary, it stands out. There’s probably a moment of fleeting curiosity, wondering if it was a skydiving accident, did you slip in the shower, slam your foot in a car door by accident (I’ve done it). Maybe wondering how bad it is, broken bones, bad sprain, torn ligaments?
    That’s all

  6. Nothing in particular. If I leave my apartment I’ll see hundreds of people in a day. I don’t have enough time in the day to wonder about everyone I see.

  7. Hope shes not hurting. Wonder if theres a cool story behind the cast. If shes attractive ask if i can sign her cast maybe leave my number on it too.

  8. “I get a lot of stares, especially from guys.”

    Protector and provider instinct kicking in.

  9. Great, she can’t run away /s

    What the hell. She’s injured. People get injuries it’s normal. I won’t think much about it.

  10. I legitimately don’t care because I don’t know you and you’re not the center of my universe. Random person with a cast. One second thought and its gone.

  11. That, ouch that must have hurt,?? Not sure what you angle is. Anyone can get injured.

  12. Casts and crutches always attract looks, from anyone of any gender or orientation or whatever. You’re over thinking it.

  13. If I notice, it’s probably because I’m evaluating whether she needs help.

  14. I know this is stupid, but:

    “Awwww that poor lady :((( I must protecc.”

    But wow i’m so sorry you are getting uncomfortable. Maybe you’re just really good looking. Stay safe.

  15. I think you’re reading something strange into those stares. No, dudes aren’t turned on by crutches or casts.

  16. Like most guys I think of the scene in spiderman when Mary Jane falls in the lunch room and spiderman catches her and all her lunch. That’s what guys are thinking of when they stare. I recommend carrying a lunch tray with you at all times. If you fall, every guy in the room will look away in shame because they didn’t catch you. We are all ashamed of our inferiority to Toby Maguire. It’s every man’s weakness.

  17. The same thing if I saw an injured man. I just see an injured woman. Why would it be a turn off?

    You’re overthinking this.

  18. You’re being waaay too self conscious which is understandable. Every time you go out you’re focused on the fact you’re injured and therefore you interpret every stare, look, glance, as being about that. Chances are, most people don’t give it a second thought and even if they did, who cares, they’re a stranger. Just go out and live your life.

    Hopefully others will be kind enough to hold doors open for you, etc., which is what I found to be the biggest hassle when on crutches with a sprained ankle. If anything I wish people noticed it more!

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