He says I can say really rude things to people and not realize it. I’m aware of my lack of social skills and it’s driven me to loneliness but when I’m with my family, I let loose. My brother, my parents, sister in law have all mentioned to me that the way I talk is rude.

I notice my twin also says rude and weird things.

Something rude isn’t going on in my head, it’s just the words that come out mixed with the tone. I don’t know where to start to learn social skills.

Here’s an example.
Brother: I’m coming to [city I live in]
Me: enjoy (kind of sarcastically)
Brother: *laughs awkwardly* okay, I’ll just get a hotel?

Apparently he was trying to say he was coming to visit me but I was thinking from an old conversation that he was going there while I would be in our hometown. Also, the city I live in is awful so I said it sarcastically. My husband was embarrassed that I spoke like that even if I misunderstood

  1. not sure if you have autism but typically people that do tend to say things quite literally which can come off as rude a lot of the time because there is an unspoken social etiquette to communication

  2. Basically try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and imagine what they’re feeling before you respond.

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