Me (22M) and this girl (21F) have gone on 3 dates now but weve been seeing each other casually on the side for 3 months. 4 weeks ago I asked if she was free the coming weekend to go do something. Initially she said yes but then cancelled and asked to raincheck because she had to study for her final exams, so i wished her good luck. A week after her finals she texts me at 1 am ‘wyd tonight’ and i replied ‘nothing much wyd’ but she didnt reply back. She was probably drunk. That was our last text exchange 2 weeks ago we haven’t texted since. I haven’t reached out because it was me who tried initiating the date and it was her who asked to reschedule so I’ve been waiting on her to set something up or at least ask about it… after all, I did put the ball in her court. Should i just say fuck it and pop her up again?

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