I’m really struggling. I met a few people that i got close with immediately and we just perfectly clicked, but then after some time i just dont know what to say, respond or how to carry on a conversation. I genuinely want to be a fun person all the time and not just at the beginning of my friendships. Any tips on how to keep messaging with them every day without it getting boring?

  1. The opposite of boredom is enthusiasm. It’s important to have some passion for: yourself, the other person, LIFE ITSELF. So, you ask about them and try to find out just what aspects of life they LOVE. (it could be anything. hobby. exercise routine. significant other. academic subject. politics. sports team. movie series. you-name-it.) And if you’re not “into” that thing, then you ask them about it and basically have them teach you about the thing and how fun it is. And with you, share your own passions.

    It’s also helpful to scroll news/podcasts/fun videos so you’re in touch with what’s going on. Always have a few things that you care about enough to communicate WITH ENERGY and a sense of playfulness. For me, it’s often something crazy my cats did, or something I cooked, or something weird that happened in traffic, or something I saw online that sizzled my bacon.

    Enthusiasm. Energy. Passion.

    Not about everything. You pick the things! And find out what the other person’s things are too.

    Good luck!

  2. its a number game honestly. youll come across more people not interested. im 25 and still go through meeting new people all the time because i never know if they will stand the test of time. most my friends last about 3-5 years then get busy in life and we end up drifting apart.

    just be open to meeting new people all the time and time will take care of the rest

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