What’s something that’s said to be a fact but is not a fact?

  1. Which current fad absurdity do you want to do and watch people fight over like you are a heretical idolator?

  2. “Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”

  3. That circumcision is more hygienic.

    Like what? It takes half a second less to clean it? It’s still pretty nasty if you go days without washing it.

  4. “No matter how hot she is, someone out there is tired of dealing with her shit.”

    In the nearly 20 years of being married to my wife, I seriously don’t know anyone who is “tired of dealing with her shit”. Like even her exes and their families regret that she’s not with them.

  5. Size doesn’t matter, that’s a lie, it does matter.
    Reasoning: average vaginal canal is 4-5 inches long and approx 1 inch in diameter. Thus, an erect penis less than 4 inches long is not sufficient enough to fill the canal and stimulate the entire interior surface area of the vagina let alone stretch it.
    Furthermore: a penis longer than 6-7inches would be too much to fit balls deep without over stretching the walls and causing unwanted pain
    That’s all I’ll say. What do you think?

  6. That the British sank the German warship the Bismarck in WW2. It’s now thought the ship was scuttled and the hatches left open allowing it to sink. The British passed it off as a victory however as it was good for morale.

  7. Almost everything a wing-nut (right or left) has to say…it’s 10% fact, 90% spin

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