As I was out, saw loads of cool dressed people entering our park. Saw people coming and thought, why not ask what’s going on?

They get closer, my chest tightens, I bail. Begin the onslaught of “WHY” thoughts.

That brings me to this post. I want to force myself out of this habit. I’ve heard of Omegle but afraid of being mocked on a YouTube video. Any suggestions of apps to practice overcoming this social hurdle?

1 comment
  1. May not be good advice, but stop. When you start thinking “why”, stop it and ignore it and keep walking and go further and talk to them even though you’re still thinking about the “why”s. Like just do it. You’ll improve your social skills through exposure. I suggest you try to overcome the fear and just do it, ignore the thoughts because your brain might just keep finding excuses to not socialize with someone in even every type of opportunity to socialize.

    So what if you’re anxious and the first word that comes out of your mouth to your friend is incoherent and stutter-y? At least u did it!

    You will be criticized, you will be mocked and judged, people will do that. I don’t think we can avoid that entirely. If you make lots of friends /meet lots of people not everyone will hold a positive opinion of you. But so what? what do they know about you? You’re just trying to learn. Even so, people who mock you in the mean way aren’t worth being your friend. Try the omegle thing, trust me you might learn a thing or two. It might be really awkward for the first 50 interactions or so, but you will learn and it will get less awkward and you will become more natural.

    If you have any friends, bring them with you and tell them to force you to talk to someone no matter what, and make them put you on the spot. Like example, your friend says “Hi Jody this is my friend Sam she wants to talk to you for a bit” that will force you to talk to Jody for a bit. Hope this is helpful.

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