we met a few years ago at uni and started having really good sex. we didn’t really have a friendship outside of that and i liked how things were going. however, over the last few months we’ve become really good friends and because of that he’s said he doesnt want to have sex anymore. as he doesnt want to ruin the friendship? i kind of get where he’s coming from but it makes me sad nevertheless. good compatible sex is hard to find 🙁

  1. I feel your pain. But I hope this new found friendship is even better than what you had before

  2. I know what you mean, once you find someone fun to play with it’s hard to just turn that off, and even if you can there will always be that lingering feeling.

  3. Kinda like u lost a fuck buddy & earned a friend for life! Sounds worth it though!

  4. If you are sexually compatible and get along great would a relationship be something that could be interesting for the both of you?

  5. My fuci buddy more recently became a fwb (maybe a tad closer…we’re still navigating that). I worked so hard at keeping him at a distance but he kind of eased us into a little bit more feeling.

    Thank fuck it hasn’t ruined anything yet. That guy is a spectacular fuck and I don’t want to lose that.

  6. It really sucks, but gotta respect the person’s wishes. Who knows, maybe one day he’ll change his mind.

  7. Yeah friendship where you have sex is a “relationship”, we don’t think of friendship as romantic but that’s the main difference. I love my friends I just don’t wan to have sex with them. Now generally that’s because I personally don’t find my friends sexually attractive. You can though enjoy having sex with someone and not like them much as a person outside of that aspect. I assume the problem here is either A. They don’t want to “catch feels” they see that happening and decided to put an end to the sexual part of the friendship. (If you can’t be friends outside of having sex, you might not actually be friends you just like to fuck) B. They see a imbalance in how much one likes the other so they are putting an end to it. This is slightly different from A in that they might not want YOU to get too attached to them. C. They are just not that into it anymore and this was a polite way of saying “I don’t enjoy this anymore”.

    That’s the trade off when you go for a casual thing, it can end just as casually and the bar for ending it can be much lower than a capital R relationship. That being said you can end any relationship for any reason you want, we just tend to value a bit of commitment to each other in the idea of a partnership for life.

    But hey you’re free to go sleep with a new person when eves.

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