I’ve (30F) been with my partner for (34M) for 15 years and we share 4 children together. It been rocky in parts and there was a lot of name calling and nastiness on his part for a couple of years, mainly because I got pregnant accidentally with the last baby and he didn’t want her, but I couldn’t go through with an abortion. he would constantly leave me and end it with every argument, and there were a lot. I finally broke at the beginning of the year and ended it, he begged for another chance and we are trying, but my head isn’t in it anymore. He’s really turned it around and is being everything I’ve always needed him to be but it like it’s too late. Do you think this is something I can come back from and my feelings will return? It scares me. I’ve never even slept with anyone else, ever. He’s all I know. I feel like every time he’s been horrible and left me I’ve moved on a little bit to the point were my head has completely moved on.

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