These days my friend invited me and our other friend to her village house which is next to the sea to spend our holidays together for a week . At first I thought it was a good idea . However, we decided to try and get drunk, as you can see it didn’t age well . I threw up and embarassed myself so bad , my friend had to take care of me and our other friend that owned the house . At some point I even told the one that took care of us that I wanted to make out with her and she took it way too seriously … I haven’t been this embarassed in my entire life . I’m not planning on having alcohol anytime soon, let alone getting drunk. However, since that day things have been so awkward . Should I go home? Should I end the friendship with them? We were very close and I feel so bad but can I do anything about it? I have apologized multiple times and she said its okay but I really feel like it isn’t .

  1. What is you definition of friends vs acquaintances?

    With my friends, I can do stupid things and they are hilarious when drunk. Obviously we don’t do anything extreme or out of control.

    If these were acquaintances, you could feel embarrassed and just own it and laugh it off. But I assume you don’t have that type of personality. But honestly, you could use this moment to learn to make a fool of yourself and laugh about it.

  2. Alexa, play Frank Sinatra’s “That’s Life”

    So you’re a messy drunk. I, too am a messy drunk. It happens. It most likely is only awkward because you feel awkward having a moment of complete vulnerability with these people for the first time. But if they are you’re friends then making an ass out of yourself when inebriated is just a part of life. Spend enough time with people and everyone, even the most collect (in this case likely you) has their turn being entirely too drunk. I say just brush it off, play it cool and watch how much you drink going forward.

    Oh and if your friends are really going to let something like this effect their relationship with you going forward then fuck them. That’s not what friends are for.

  3. I mean, the goal was to be drunk, you managed.

    One way to restore the balance is to get them drunk and do embarrasing stuff XD

  4. Don’t be embarrassed. If they’re your friends they should not be upset with you and instead just laugh it off. A few weeks ago I was with my friends and some other people and one of my friends blacked out and needed to go to the hospital. When she woke up she just messaged me something like “I always live” with a pic of her laughing. It was fun and we joke about it because we’re FRIENDS, so if they’re your friends they should not care

  5. You got drunk and made a fool of yourself. It happens to literally everybody. You can’t change it, but you can take the lessons and 1) pace yourself so you don’t get as drunk in the future, and 2) try to control your behavior more when you drink.

    Just keep being a good friend to them and work on your drunk behavior and things should be fine.

  6. It happens to the best of us. Learn from it by understanding your limits better- it’s great you are already planning to stay away from getting drunk in future. In the meantime, try to laugh it off (but not in a “this is just me” way, more of a “wow i never get like that, never again!” way) and perhaps do something nice for the group like clean up the house really well, or pick up a nice meal and bring it back for them. If they still act weird then they’re not really your friends. I have been on both sides of this and the only time I’ve seen it end in loss of friendship was when there was romantic prospects involved (a guy I went to a dance with threw up on me and that kind of quenched the flame there…on the other hand I behaved like an idiot and tried to hit on one of my oldest friends I had a crush on while drunk, we don’t talk anymore sadly). So idk the situation with the one girl, that may stay awkward but if you really just want friendship it’s probably not a deal breaker especially if the rest of the group were also getting drunk with you.

  7. If I have to worry about embarrassment in front of friends, they are not really my friends.

  8. Oh man, I’ve been there. Try to take today to relax and take care of yourself. Everyone does embarrassing shit every once in a while. Just make a plan about how to pace yourself while drinking next time (if you want to continue drinking) and remember that as long as you apologized and helped clean up, there’s not really much else you can do. If I was your friend, I would’ve thought it was funny, I wouldn’t be mad 🙂

  9. Stop apologizing. That tends to make it worse. Many of us have been there as you can see. I find it is best to apologize once, fix what you can (clean up and fix or pay for any damage), make a joke or 2 about what a sloppy drunk you are, and then act as normal as possible.

    Give yourself the grace you would give to one of your friends who got drunk and sick and you were the one to take care if them.

  10. Your fine I’ve been the friend taking people away to the house and will tolerate people being drunk braking things being sick wee on floor. The intolerable was a friend pushing me off a chair so I had a head injury as a joke. I ended that friendship. From what you described it’s fine just do something nice for them. Also depends on age I’ve less time now in 30s for it then in my 20s.

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