How did puberty affect your hair texture?

  1. Mine was falling out in chunks due to mercaptopurine so I don’t know if my new hair growth was affected still by that, but my hair got darker and a little more coarse.

  2. I used to have red in my brown hair and a few white hair strands. Now I naturally have a lot of white hair in the front of my face and sides. I’m only 27 and I look like a developing Rouge from X-Men.

  3. My hair was curly as a baby, but then it went straight. Then as I began puberty, it became more wavy, and by the time I had my first period, it was full-on curly.

  4. It didn’t.

    My hair changed texture around age 4, during each pregnancy, and then during perimenopause.

  5. Not at all. I did notice a big change after I stopped colouring it. I had always had super straight hair and now it’s regrown as wavy/more volumous and it’s way less greasy than it used to be.

  6. My hair went bright blind, to brownish red, to jet black. I now dye it a mix of the latter two.

  7. I think it got thicker and softer. It doesn’t knot as much. It’s just stupidly soft and fluffy and so goddamn shiny but nightmarishly thick

  8. My hair has always and still is very thick.

    All the way through age 9 my hair was shiny and straight, easy to manage, no frizz

    9-10 my hair was still smooth, got a little wave

    11- current (late 20s) my hair is coarse, wavy, frizzy, has more of a curl on the left side. I can never get it to stay manageable and less frizzy for more than 2 months. I end up straightening it anytime I want it to look nice because it’s so hard to deal with

  9. Got much more texture, I had very thin very straight hair when I was little, now it has some volume at least

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