Men of Reddit what’s the deal with every question being about sex? Like seriously.

  1. I sort by new. Every question isn’t about sex, and the ones that are are often asked by women as well.

  2. The internet is full of virgins who don’t know anything about sex so they take to this sub to ask all they want to know.

  3. Probably young lads looking for answers to questions they feel they can’t ask people in person.

  4. The internet is simultaneously full of people who know every thought that runs through a man’s head and how that makes him a reprehensible creature, and also people who act like they’ve never interacted with a man in their lives.

    Often, it’s the same people.

  5. What did you want to hear about? Construction and cars?

    Well, now that you mention it, I bought a concrete bit from Home Depot the other day and it took me like 30 minutes to drill an 8 inch hole. You know what? I blame the drill. It doesn’t have the hammer function. Stupid thing wasn’t up to the task.

  6. I think it’s just inevitable because the board isn’t about any specific topic at all, and the most universally common thing about us, that makes our experience unique enough to separate questions from women, is questions to do with how we use our penises.

  7. Dudes wanna learn to get laid. There’s a lot of unattended boners out there.

  8. I’m just tired of the “what’s the hottest thing a woman has ever done” ones. Shit gets asked like 10 times a day and someone out there is getting off to people’s responses in some pervy literature way

  9. Because women want to know about sex from a guy’s perspective. Also some guys have no experience when it comes to sex. So they ask fellow men what to do, which is always communicate with your partner.

  10. Because 13 year olds keep posting. Or people with the mind of a 13 year old like me.

  11. All the questions on this sub are either men asking about sex or women looking for validation from men.

  12. I just take it as a lot of folks are just curious about what makes some of us tick to help their relationships or hear about what gets us going.

    Things I’d love to ask the women but literally every question gets taken down over there. Ridiculous.

  13. people refuse to admit it but sex is not an all important thing.
    if it is to you you’re either; a horny virgin, an undiagnosed sex addict, or you watched too much porn growing up.
    sex is good. sex is not everything.

  14. Cuz we ain’t getting it aight. We have to vicariously live through other men’s experiences!

  15. “Stop liking what I don’t like!”

    Just don’t click those threads. I find it pretty easy to skip the threads I don’t think I’ll want to read. Like seriously.

  16. because sex something that everyone is curious about, nobody is gonna sit here and pretend that there is something that will peak a large amount of people’s interest the way that sex does

  17. It appears that Reddit is full of hormonal young people flooding this subreddit with these questions. I am not amused.

  18. Askwomen: What’s your favorite kind of pie filling for fall?????

    Askmen: My girl’s ass tastes weird. Anyone else have this issue?????

  19. Honestly I kinda like messing with people who ask those questions because they think the majority of us here are straight, and I rarely see any visibility for gay guys like me.

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