Is it rude to help yourself to cupcakes at a birthday party before the person of celebration hasn’t blown out their candles?
Specially cupcakes at a 1 year olds party?

  1. Yes, definitely think the polite thing to do would be to ask or wait. If it were me I would wait though.

  2. A little, wait until after and then go for it. Just a little courtesy can really shine

  3. No, you are a full sized adult and need more cupcakes than the 1 year olds. Help yourself. *sarchasm*

  4. Come dressed in a suit. Tell him you work for the IRS and he is a full year behind on his taxes. Take the entire tray of cupcakes as payment, two juice boxes for interest and penalties and then leave.

    Toddlers are the biggest tax evaders out there.

  5. Very rude. Pack snacks for your kids if they can’t handle having to wait for cupcakes.

  6. Depends on how old you are. At the same time alls fair in love of cupcakes.

  7. I would say it’s the same as any party, don’t take any food until the host is serving it

  8. Yes absolutely, it’s poor manners to not wait for the host to say it’s ok to start eating cupcakes because then everyone there will want one especially the kids. But I also literally cannot imagine just helping myself to food at someone else’s house without permission from the house owner it’s just rude.

  9. Just wait a few seconds/(or a few minutes at most). I mean, it’s not like you’d have to wait all that long, why in such a hurry?

  10. If it’s cupcakes with candles on them duhh

    If it’s just scenery cupcakes it’s fine

  11. I’m sorry to go unpopular opinion here, but if I had a less-than-3 child who wanted a cupcake at a birthday party, I would probably give it to him. Whether or not that is bad parenting, as a host I probably could not care less. There is a cake for the candles, but if I have put out food at a children’s party, it is here to be eaten. Sure, it is more polite to wait, but no one dies if you eat one (and I say this as someone who has been raised to give a great importance to table manners haha)

  12. Yeah but come on free food so why not I mean it’s just cupcakes, not the cake 🎂 but I haven’t been to one of those for a while now at this age of 18 there’s barely cake and a lot or alcohol

  13. Are the cupcakes the birthday cake?

    Yes, it is. It’s not your birthday and you should have enough self-control to wait for the child to blow their candles. You are there to celebrate the child. even if they will not remember it.

    Is there some kind of programme that you didn’t followed?

    Yes, it is, but if you have the need to eat for some serious reason, you should talk with the parents and ask them is you can have something to eat.

    Was it just regular party food?

    No, it’s not, unless you did it in some disturbing way.

  14. Yes, it is rude. You wouldn’t slice a cake for yourself before the party person has blown out the candles. If they are serving cupcakes instead, same concept, it is customary to wait and quite rude to grab one before they are served by the host.

  15. Only if the cupcakes are the birthday cake. If they’re just part of the spread and there’s a bigger cake then no, the food is there to be eaten

  16. I usually just wait until someone else takes one lol, then even if it’s too early I don’t feel bad

  17. It’s not that it’s rude, it’s that it prevents a swarm of angry toddlers from coalescing

  18. Yes, especially since you didn’t buy or bake them, and it wasn’t you being the featured person.

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