I was set to become the new seafood dept. guy at my local grocery store.

I ended up meeting a middle aged black guy working at the grocery store named Jay. We had a good chat but he quickly brought up his sex appeal and his bisexual orientation.

Last time we talked he suggested that we do lunch together (When I’m not busy). As poorly as I understood the proposal, I blindly agreed in a roundabout way. I’m not at all sure why I responded so indirectly. I am NOT going to lunch with some dude trying to get me in bed.

That’s how poor my speaking/social skills are, I accidentally flirt with people I’m not even remotely into.

And yes, he is absolutely bisexual & definitely asked me out sometime.

Don’t know how I’m going to survive.

  1. Maybe bring up how glad you are that he is your FRIEND and if he tries to say anything that hints at wanting to be anything more say you were mistaken and only see him as an friend/co-worker and that you’re (I presume) straight and not the littlest bit attracted to him. It’s best to make your feelings clear as soon as possible so he doesn’t get led on.

  2. Wait what?

    Maybe take it as a compliment that your socials skills are such that this person is comfortable with you, even sharing something personal with them. What you are saying, it seems to me, is that if someone of the gender you prefer for romantic relationships asked you to lunch you’d only go if you had intentions for that sort of relationship?

    “This is a little awkward, but before we go to lunch I just need to make sure you know I am straight so we are in the same page.”

    Everybody need friends, whatever their sexuality.

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