Last year, a friend asked if he could borrow my spare car so he could lend it to his cousin that was visiting from out of state. I refused cause I don’t trust his cousin. He begged me and assured me that his cousin was an excellent driver but I still refused. Ever since then, he hasn’t really spoken to me.

His birthday is next month so as an attempt to check in on him, I asked him what his plans were. He has not answered a single text until yesterday.

“I’m sorry I only make plans for friends that are loyal to each other.” He text.

“What do you mean? Are you still pissed off about what happened last year with your cousin?” I ask.

“It doesn’t matter. You showed me that you’re not a good friend. When I needed you most, you didn’t come through just cause you didn’t trust me. I assured you that my cousin wouldn’t wreck your car but you didn’t believe me.” He says.

“Are you serious? What would you have done?” I ask.

“If I had a spare car that you needed, I would’ve lent it to you no questions asked. But you wanted to be selfish and keep both your cars. That just shows me that you’re not a good and loyal friend and I only associate myself with people like myself: people who are loyal above all else.” He text.

I’m honestly stunned by all this. Any advice on what to tell him or what to do to try and mend this friendship or is this something I need to cut ties with? I get that being loyal is one thing but I think he was asking for too much?

  1. He is being ridiculous. I’m sorry, I don’t have much advice. I’m not sure what you should say when someone is completely unreasonable

  2. “I’m sorry to lose you as a friend but apparently a car is more important to you than friendship. Your loss, not mine. Have a good life and good luck only keeping friends when you can take advantage of them. real friendship doesn’t end when you don’t get your way.”

    There’s nothing you can do to mend what someone thinks is ruined because they couldn’t take advantage of you. In fact… you could probably thank the friend for taking the trash out.

  3. How would lending your car to your friend’s cousin relate to your friend lending YOU his car??

    Not the same thing at all. Your friend is being ridiculous with his reasoning.

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