I have been helping her best I can I manged to help her make one new freind bringing her to a total of 2 friends. Most of her issues stem from her never being able socialize when she was younger due to her having to take care of her siblings most of the time. We met in highschool and at the time she had a small freind group but when we got closer she admitted that she felt she was the quote “throwaway freind” in every freind group. We are now living together and she still has trouble interacting with people she thinks she would like to interact with and or people she just wants to compliment. The one thing that seems to get her a little out her bubble is cosplayers and the such. Also she wants to have an alt/pastel goth style but is afraid of what people will think of her.

  1. I have no idea about how all that works, and I’m betting she doesn’t either. I would explain your concern to her and see how she responds.

  2. It can be very difficult to get someone else to learn a skill. They have to be motivated to do it on their own. If she is motivated – People Skills by Robert Bolton is a good place to start, also The Social Skills Lab podcast if she’s into podcasts. 95% of the people I’ve met that say they want to be better at making friends do very little work at it. The internet has everything you could ever want to know, all you gotta do is ask. 15 years ago I googled ‘how to network with people’ and I learned everything I could and have gotten much better at it. It takes years, but totally worth it. It’s probably the most important skill you can learn.

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